Hijri Calendar 1440 Pdf Download

Islamic Monthly Declarations & Announcements for 1440

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1440 Monthly Announcements

Muḥarram 1440

It was cloudy in most parts of Britain. Moon was sight­ed Touloun & La Rochelle in France, in Moroc­co and South Africa. Wifaqul Ula­ma have there­fore decid­ed that the Islam­ic month of Muhar­ram 1440 will begin after sun­set from Tues­day, the 11th of Sep­tem­ber 2018.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion withBat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mittee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co) . The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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Ṣafar 1440

The weath­er was clear in most of Britain but the Hilaal for Safar 1440 was not sight­ed. We also did not receive any news of pos­i­tive Moon­sight­ing from Moroc­co, South Africa or else­where. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the month of Muhar­ram 1440 will com­plete 30 days and Safar 1440 will start from Thurs­day, the 11th of Octo­ber 2018

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mittee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co) . The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1440

The Hilaal for Rabi­ul-Aww­al 1440 was not sight­ed in the UK. How­ev­er, we have received dec­la­ra­tions of pos­i­tive Moon­sight­ing from Moroc­co and South Africa. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the month of Rabi­ul-Aww­al 1440 has begun. 1st day of Rabi­ul-Aww­al 1440 is on Fri­day, the 09th of Novem­ber 2018.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with <>Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co). The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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Rabīʿ ath-Thānī 1440

The Hilaal for Rabi­ut-Thani 1440 was not sight­ed in the UK. We have received no dec­la­ra­tions of pos­i­tive Moon­sight­ing from Moroc­co and South Africa. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the month of Rabi­ul-Aww­al 1440 will com­plete 30 days . 1st day of Rabi­ut-Thani 1440 is on Sun­day, the 09th of Decem­ber 2018.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co). The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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Jumādá al-Ūlá 1440

The Hilaal for Jumādá al-Ūlá 1440 was not sight­ed in the UK. We have received no dec­la­ra­tions of pos­i­tive Moon­sight­ing from Moroc­co and South Africa. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the month of Rabi­ut-Thani 1440 will com­plete 30 days . 1st day of Jumādá al-Ūlá 1440 is on TUESDAY, the 08th of JANUARY 2019.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co). The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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Jumādá al-Ākhirah 1440

The Hilaal for Jumādá al-Ākhi­rah 1440 was not sight­ed in the UK. We have received no dec­la­ra­tions of pos­i­tive Moon­sight­ing from Moroc­co and South Africa. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the month of Jumādá al-Ūlá 1440 will com­plete 30 days . 1st day of Jumādá al-Ākhi­rah 1440 is on THURSDAY, the 07th of FEBRUARY 2019.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co). The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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Rajab 1440

The Hilaal for RAJAB 1440 was not sight­ed in the UK. How­ev­er, We have received dec­la­ra­tions of pos­i­tive Moon­sight­ing from Moroc­co and France . Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the month of RAJAB 1440 will is on FRIDAY, the 08th of MARCH 2019.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co). The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa) where the Moon was not sighted.

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Shaʿbān 1440

The Hilaal for Shaʿbān 1440 was not sight­ed ANYWHERE. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the month of RAJAB 1440 will com­plete 30 days . 1st day of Shaʿbān 1440 is on SUNDAY, the 07th of APRIL 2019.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co).

The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa) where the Moon was sight­ed the next day.

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Ramadhān 1440

The Hilaal for Ramadhān 1440 was not sight­ed in the UK. We have received no dec­la­ra­tions of pos­i­tive Moon­sight­ing from Moroc­co and South Africa. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the month of Shaʿbān 1440 will com­plete 30 days . 1st day of Ramadhān1440 is on TUESDAY, the 07th of MAY 2019.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co). The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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The pic­ture below is for con­fir­ma­tion pur­pos­es only.

Shawwal 1440

The Hilaal for Shaww­al 1440 was sight­ed in the UK. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the 1st of Shawwal1440  is on WEDNESDAY, the 05th of JUNE 2019.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co). The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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Dhū al-Qaʿda 1440

The Hilaal for Dhū al-Qaʿ­da 1440 was sight­ed. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that the 1st of Dhū al-Qaʿ­da 1440 is on Thurs­day, the 04th of July 2019.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co). The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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Dhū al-Hijja 1440

The Hilaal for Dhū al-HIJ­JA 1440 was not sight­ed. Wifaqul Ula­ma Shu­ra have there­fore decid­ed that Dhū al-Qaʿ­da 1440 will com­plete 30 days and 1st of Dhū al-Hij­ja 1440 is on Sat­ur­day, the 03rd of August 2019.

Wifaqul Ula­ma togeth­er and in con­sul­ta­tion with Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee make the deci­sion for the start of Islam­ic Months based on Moon­sight­ing in UK (pri­ma­ry) and Moroc­co (sec­ondary). Please note that the deci­sion is not nec­es­sar­i­ly based on Moroc­co (month­ly). Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs offi­cial­ly noti­fies the British Ula­ma by fax month­ly and a copy of the fax for this month can be viewed here, pro­vid­ed as cour­tesy by Bat­ley Moon Sight­ing Com­mit­tee. The offi­cial announce­ment from Depart­ment of Islam­ic Affairs (Moroc­co). The offi­cial announce­ment from Jamiat­ul Ula­ma (South Africa).

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Source: https://www.wifaqululama.co.uk/1440-2/

Posted by: hectorgigere0194025.blogspot.com

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